Número cinco - A Visit From Erik Hanberg

I liked the talk he gave. It gave some insight into the struggles of trying to be successful. He also gave good examples of his multiple income sources like his books. I also didn’t really understand how big of a thing online business was back then when it first came out but from the lectures you gave, and Mr. Hanberg really put into perspective how I might take for granted how important and integrated online businesses are to our society. One of the main questions I wanted to ask Mr. Hanberg was if he went to college, and if he did, did it help him at all in his journey to his current occupation. I wish I did ask it because it’s a big deal for me. College is very expensive and for the degree I’m getting (computer science) there’s other things you can do besides college like bootcamps and get some of the same positions as a college graduate minus the cost of college. Also, it was cool that he wrote books that he was passionate about like his sci-fi and mystery books but also the non-profit books. I never really thought about doing any type of non-profit in the future, it was just never something that crossed my mind much less as a future job given my degree. But after the talk he gave it gave me more reason to check out that type of work because I think I’m a person who would enjoy doing work that helps people in that way. Overall, I really liked the talk and hope you bring more guest speakers in the future.


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