Número cuatro: Online Scavenger Hunt

The online scavenger hunt wasn’t too bad. I really struggled with the links to the shopping carts. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to copy a link to a shopping cart that already had what I put in it. What happened was when I tried to open the link I just copied with the items, they would just disappear and show an empty cart. So instead, I found the items and put them in the carts and then just screenshotted the page. Logging into the computer lab was another pain in the ass. I don’t know if I was doing the correct thing, but to remote login in to the computer lab had me downloading like three different software’s including a VPN, and then trying to login into each of these which caused me the most problems. I couldn’t even login into the last program that I needed until I completed it, so I just gave up on that one. I didn’t get to them but the question about the flights sounded a bit hard and the one with the cookie.txt sounds hard too. The HTML page also caused me problems. I was able to save an HTML page, but it just printed the code and not the actual results of the code, so it just looked weird and uncompleted, so I just submitted the file like that. The rest of the questions were relatively easy in my opinion. Like the matchmaking websites and online banks, registration links were easy to find. Overall, it wasn’t so bad, I do wish I was in class when we did this assignment.


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